Some might call it dumb, some might call it
chancy. But I didn't want the season to end on my middling performance in my first Half-iron distance triathlon last Sunday. So after much week long discussion and second guessing, I awoke at 4:00 AM this morning, gathered my thoughts, my bike, and my
tri-gear and headed out to the Masters Championship Triathlon at Moss Park in Orlando. I like longer events so I chose the Olympic distance (.9 mile swim, 24 mile bike, 5.5 mile run) rather than the sprint. It was 66' at the start with water (wetsuit legal!) at 76'. I had a solid swim followed by a great bike (average speed 20.0 mph) and a very good (no problems) run with 8:35 mile splits, finishing at 2:30:11, which was good enough for 1st place. My old friend (and former/future competitor) Bill Floyd won the 60-64 age group ahead of me. (Pictured above on right with me). Bill is a
USAT Certified Coach and you can visit his website at
http://trifloyd.com/ . This was the perfect end to a perfect season of triathlons.
Seems like only yesterday you were trying to make it 100. Time to make it 200?